Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Slice of Life #19 - So Mermaids are Real...?

March 19th, 2013

This blog post might seem really shallow and whimsical...in a way it is. I was really stressed out yesterday, and decided to take a break. So, I started searching the Internet for random things, and came across an article on mermaids. It claimed that mermaids are indeed real, and the government had found evidence of them ever since WWII. Of course, I was slightly wary at the credibility, but I assumed that if they actually did find mermaids, the mermaids would look like Ariel (something like that). However, when I dug deeper in and did more research, I was greatly disturbed.

Apparently, there's two sides to the debate. One side claims that from the evidence, mermaids DO exist, we just haven't met them face to face yet (except for one fateful event that I shall describe later). The other side, as usual, says it's all a consipracy theory and that the government had said already it wasn't true. However, the scary part was that I couldn't find any evidence for the second part (or it could be that I didn't spend much time researching this side...). Meanwhile, for the first side, I found loads of "evidence" that just made me even more scared.

So apparently real mermaids don't look like Ariel. What is this nonsense. xD
On Youtube, there is a video that seemed pretty credible and was posted by an organization (I forgot which one...I wish I had a better memory. But I think it was something affiliated with Animal Planet). Experts in marine life were interviewed, and some pointed out that during WWII, the government had been mapping sea life sounds. They were mainly doing it for humpback whales, but there was one sound called the "Bloop" that was apparently a mermaid. It was really, really, really scary, to say the least. It hasn't been attached to any known animal yet.

In the same video, there was a short film taken by two boys. It was really blurry, and it showed one boy walking along the beach, and kneeling down to poke a dead fish. Well, the "dead" fish had a human torso and picked itself up and screamed at him. I nearly had a heart attack watching that. Apparently they have recovered a body of a "mermaid" that really just looks like what I would have for dinner, except with a head and hair attached.

I really still don't think mermaids exist though...I don't know...this kind of proves why surfing the Web isn't always good. xP I think I'm going to have nightmares of screaming mermaids now. :D joyyyy

Go search this up yourself. Tell me what you think.

1 comment:

  1. I recently read a fictitious book about mermaids, so your post rather intrigued me. I just did a quick search on mermaids and found the video you were talking about..."Mermaids: The Body Found," I believe. When I looked a little more into this, though, it turns out it isn't an actual documentary, but a documentary-style film that has very few real facts in it. Apparently, though, people who watched it got so disturbed and worried that a government organization (the National Ocean Service) ended up releasing a statement to reassure them, stating "no evidence of aquatic humanoids has ever been found." :( So, sadly, it appears Ariel will have to stay within the realm of fairy tales.

    Sources: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mermaids:_The_Body_Found
    (if you don't think this is credible then here: http://www.webpronews.com/mermaid-body-found-peopled-fooled-by-faux-documentary-once-again-2012-07
    and http://content.usatoday.com/communities/entertainment/post/2012/07/fooled-again-by-mermaids-the-body-found-on-discovery/1#.UUkBl9apySo)
