Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Slice of Life #5 - My Comfort Food

 March 5th, 2013
I can't help but realize that half my blog posts are about food...nevermind.
But I have to say, an integral part of my life is Honeynut Cheerios. Not just Cheerios. HONEYNUT Cheerios. It's my comfort food--or in other words, it's the food I turn to when I'm depressed about something, generally sad about my day, etc. etc.
So today I was feeling terrible; when I came home I almost immediately reached for my Honeynut Cheerios. And of course, I was feeling pretty much all better after eating a bowl ;D
Also: I have to rant on how people like cereal like Fruit Loops or Lucky Charms. Why, why in the world would you ingest sugar every day? Especially when the sugar is from something that tastes terrible? Basically all the kids' cereals (Fruit Loops, Lucky Charms, Frosty Flakes, etc.) taste way too sweet for me. Lucky Charms, in particular, is not very appealing. If I take out all the marshmellows (regular marshmellows taste good, Lucky Charms marshmellows are basically 100% sugar) then it tastes alright. But I seldom go through all the trouble.
Meanwhile, adult cereal (diet cereal, sporting tabs that say "LIGHTLY SWEETENED" or "NO SUGAR!") tastes terrible as well, perhaps even more terrible. Cereal needs to be sweet--but not overly sweet, like Fruit Loops. Diet cereal just tastes bland.
Even now, I'm munching on Honeynut Cheerios as I type; the honey just makes it all the more awesome. :)

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