Friday, August 1, 2014

Summer updates - swimming, books

August 1st, 2014

My deepest sincerest apologies for not updating sooner. I have been recently consumed in the flames of chemistry homework but have finally finished without being burned to death :-)

I can actually say, though, that my summer is going pretty swell. (ha, I used a retro word there)

Mornings have brought swim practice, afternoons have brought swim practice, and weekends have brought swim meets. It's the best feeling in the world to race, like I might have mentioned in a previous post - and when you're swimming with some of your awesome friends, the experience in ten times better. After skipping quite a few practices in the winter, I think I've actually improved to be way better than I even was before. It does count as a confidence booster, sometimes, which is helpful.

I've also been able to tackle some books I've always wanted to read with this extra summa time. Jane Eyre - finished. To Kill a Mockingbird - finished. While I always say classics aren't my favorite, Jane Eyre certainly is an exception. The perspective is astounding; you're led through Jane's thought processes, and while you certainly might not agree with some of her decisions, it's still interesting.

To Kill a Mockingbird has made the list of my all-time favorite books. There's not that much symbolism, that's true (there's just the occasional symbol like the mockingbird, etc. etc. obvious stuff like that) but the examination and juxtaposition of good and evil is food for the brain. My brain, at least. :-)

I might be posting some random writing samples later. Who knows...

Tell me about your summer in the comments! I've seen that a lot of you just look at my posts and don't comment, and that's fine. Commenting would be great, though. :D