Monday, March 11, 2013

Slice of Life #11 - Drawing in Math, and Are Beans Dicots??

March 3rd, 2013

Alright, for those of you who were showing off your beautiful drawings done on the whiteboard in math class, our class is clearly more artistically talented >:D <hairflip> just kidding. However, you have to admit that today, our drawings were very creative. EXTREMELY creative, I should put it. These pictures were taken by Amanda. The first one features her catchphrase: "Pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows" with a picture of a unicorn that I drew in 2 seconds ^.^ so, please do not criticize my hastily drawn unicorn.
There were also several other pictures on the board, some of which featured coconut trees dropping their coconuts on poor people and giving them concussions (I am referring to you, Nivetha). However, within a minute of drawing my beautiful unproportional unicorn, William saw it. And when William sees it, everything changes. For the worse. DUN DUN DUNNNNN
Basically, this is what happened:
Moral of lesson: do not let William near your drawings, unless if you want him to turn them into afro unicorns ;D

Another interesting part of today: we had a strange discussion during lunch after the biology tryouts test. We talked about
  • how beans are actually dicots, not monocots. Who would've known that!?!? Whenever I eat a bean, I can never split them. The bean just mushes up. It might be that I'm just eating abnormal beans though...very likely....
  • how we were such strange kids in middle school. Brandon, Andrew, and I talked about old teachers (cry. cry. want to visit them.) and how much they taught us, as well as strange moments in class. The whole time, Kathryn sat by having no idea what we were talking about. I'm sorry time you can tell us about Manalapan!! :D

1 comment:

  1. Hahahahaha THE UNICORN LOOKS AMAZING!!!!!!!!......especially with the pipe, sunglasses, and afro. Very professional :P It reminds me of the colorful afros in Madagascar 3.

    And yes beans are dicots. You can split snow peas in half. Manalapan!
