March 22nd, 2013
It's the day before spring break, and I should be feeling happy. I AM happy, for that matter :D
However, it seems like I have a million things due right after spring break, from basically all my classes. While the teachers told us to just finish it before spring break so that we wouldn't have to worry about it,
1) Even if I stayed up the entire night yesterday, I still would not have finished that mountain of work
2) I was too tired yesterday to stay up late again.
Now, since I have everything due right after spring break, I will probably spend spring break working. Of course, I did persuade my parents to go on a brief one day vacation to New York, where I REALLY REALLY REALLY need to get a new clarinet. Whenever I blow into my clarinet right now none of the air goes through, and sometimes no sound comes out. Which is why people were staring at me when I made mistakes in my solo for the chamber concert. >.>' I've been meaning to get a new clarinet for about a year now, but I just haven't had time to do so given the fact that we've had no days off for the entire year after Sandy came. Thanks, Sandy. </3
I also have TSA and FFF to work on. I barely started on my research proposal. SO MANY THINGS TO DO AND SO LITTLE TIME....Maybe if spring break was longer, I would rage less. :DD
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